Id Photo

©photo : Juliette Guillemot


Lycée Polyvalent Diderot
61 rue David d'Angers
75019 Paris

courriel : ismael.souderes -at-


Former student of the ENS (Cachan), I have done my Ph.D. "Motifs de Tate mixtes et éclatements à la MacPherson-Procesi" at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (University Paris Diderot-Paris 7 IMJ) under the supervision of Leïla Schneps.

I am a Postdoc at the the University of Osnabrück (Germany).

I study links between geometry of moduli spaces of curves in genus 0 and multiple zeta values (MZV).

My work goes as into purely combinatorial questions links to the Drinfel'd associator as in the geometry of sequences of blow up, studying the mixed Hodge structure of some relative cohomology groups or building explicit algebraic cycles computing motivic cohomology.

Currently, I am working on the Bloch cycle algebra. The goal of my project is to describe, by means of Bloch and Kritz's approach, the coLie algebra of mixed Tate motives over moduli spaces of curves of genus 0 in terms of explicit algebraic cycles. In particular, to do so, I construct algebraic cycles corresponding to multiple polylogarithms with a specialization at the point 1 corresponding to multiple zeta values.

Curriculum Vitae (french version)
Webpage modified the 07/10/2017
Now, I held a fulltime teaching position in C.P.G.E ATS at the Lycée Polyvalent Diderot in Paris (75019).

Last and scheduled talks


Scientific Publications

Other Publications

Other Texts


  • Osnabrück Universität (Germany): 2013-2015.
    Linear Algebra und analytische geometrie I (WS 2013-2014 and WS 2014-2015) This is a first semester course for first year bachelor students.
    Differentialgeometrie (SS 2013-2014) This is a second semester course for second and third year bachelor
    Mathematik für Anwender (SS 2014-2015) This is a second semester course for first year bachelor students which are not in mathematics bachelor (economy; cognitive sciences; humanities and social sciences, etc.).
  • Duisburg-Essen Universität (Germany): 2010-2012.
    Riemann Surfaces (2010-2011, in English). This is a second semester course for graduated students.
    Algebraic Topology (2011-2012, in English). This is a second semester course for graduated students.
  • Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (France): 2006-2010.
    Tutorial MK2 (2006-2007 and 2007-2008). It is a personal project oriented course. The students have to write and present a rapport on either some simple problem of applied mathematics or historical aspects
    about a method they have already learned. Some examples : "the number "; "propagation phenomenas"; " axiomatic and the construction of numbers”, "Arithmetic and geometry".
    Analysis II for chemist (2007-2008 and 2008-2009). It is a mathematics course for first year undergraduate students in chemistry. It is a second semester course centered the geometry of curves and surfaces and integral calculus.
    Calculus 1 : MT1 (2009-2010). General mathematics for firstyear undergraduate students at the first semester. It corresponds to Analysis and Linear Algebra I.

Other talks


  • Géometrie des relations de double mélange, Séminaire Chevalley, IMJ, Paris, 2010.
  • Valeurs zêta multiples, espaces de modules de courbe et éclatements, Séminaire GAM, Paris 13, 2010.
  • Around Ayoub specialisation theorem, AGAT Seminar, Duisburg-Essen, Universität, 2010.
  • Motifs de Tate mixtes sur P1 moins 3 points : Lyon, Osnabrück (2013).
  • Cycles complex over P1 minus 3 points : Algebra, geometry and physics seminar MPIM (2013).
  • Cycles and Mixted Tate motives over P1 minus 3 points : conférence « Periods and Motives », ICMAT, Madrid, (2012).
  • - Complexe de cycles sur P1 moins 3 points et polylogarithmes multiples : Grenoble, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Göttigen, Mainz (2012).
    "diapositives" ou sous formes de notes.

Other Responsabilities


Et pour le reste....

Some Links




Institut Mathématique de Jussieu - Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris - Fédération de recherche Mathématiques Paris Centre